Jokers Wild Rules
Wild card (cards). Quite the same Wikipedia. Aller au contenu. Faire un don Maintenant. Cette page existe dans les langues suivantes. Bahasa Indonesia. Read about Jokers Wild video poker, also known as Joker Poker. We have a full guide for Jokers Wild, including Joker Poker strategy, rules, and pay tables. The story of JoKeRs WilD is the story of a guild that have brought people from pretty much all over the world together.

A wild card in card games is one that may be used to represent any other playing card, sometimes with certain restrictions. These may be jokers, for example in Rummy games, or ordinary ranked and suited cards may be designated as wild cards ('deuces wild' in Poker is a common variant).[1] A card that is not wild may be referred to as a natural card.[2] Jokers, however, may also have other uses, such as being a permanent top trump.
Jokers Wild Board Game Rules